Thursday 25 August 2011


The parent should have a close link with the teachers were by the child after school is assisted in the homework that were given in school and thus the parent follow up will make the child be successful in class work and be important in the society. The socialization and the academic education of the child has to involve the parent, the extended family that is the uncles and grandparents, teachers and other elder people in the community so that the child grows up knowing what is expected in the community and thus be a role model to others. If the parents are not concerned about the education that is received by the child then such parents will not blame the teachers if the child fails, as it is automatically that the child will fail because he or she will see education been useless.

Such a child will be involved in things like drinking and even end up dropping out from school because the parent is not concerned. In everything that a leaner does the teacher and the parent should be involved so that they get the right training to such a child in all levels. Therefore to ensure that the children get the right education both the teachers and the parents should make a clear follow up of the child in terms of behavior and the learning in class so that the child will see the meaning of this education and grow up to be an important person in the society.


In the adolescence stage the child has to be well trained because if no action is taken then the child will do things that are not accepted in the society and regrets will come later after they have done such things. The parents should have a follow up of their children at this stage because it is the most dangerous stage in one’s life and care need to be taken. It is in this stage were boys start training themselves on how to smoke and other practices and the girls are at a very high risks of getting pregnancies and lead to drop out from school.
Therefore it is always advisable to parents to teach their children early enough on how to keep themselves before they reach this stage. Such a child who has been well trained on how to behave will know how to overcome the temptations that are related to this stage. The parents and the teachers should set a good example for such a child so that when they enter the stage he or she will decide to live like that role model. The teachers should have the ability to understand a subject well so that the children receive the right education.
Thus the teachers should undertake training courses so that they are trained on how to deal with the children at all the time and how to assist the slow learners to get what is taught so that the child may grow to be a useful member in the society. A good teacher will pass the information well, pass good judgment and also be able to retain and understand the students in the school. A parent involvement is very important to the child because it helps such a child learn cultures and also get educational healthy lifestyles.


The child being still young means that they should get the right training that will assist them in future and also place them in a higher rank as compared with the unlearned. It is in the school where a child learns how to socialize with others not from the same society and still know the accepted and unaccepted behaviors in the school and also learns how to read and write and be ready for the secondary education.
The ages vary for learners depending on the time the child is taken to school. After which the child is fully prepared for the secondary education that is advanced learning comparing with the primary education. The secondary school that is the second years of formal education and mostly occurs during adolescence. The boundary between the primary and the secondary varies and it is generally around the seventh to the tenth year of education and this education is given to have the common knowledge and also prepare a child for higher education. In such a school the child will learn the good and the bad behaviors from the peers they interact with.


Without this first education then a child will not know how to relate with others, incase a problem arises then it will be hard to solve and also such a child will be illiterate as writing and reading are very important to a person. A child should be provided with this education that is in the primary level in order to know how to live in the society with those who are illiterate and also learn more about the society’s rules.

Education is very important in that it helps the learner know what is expected of him or her so that one will be able to relate with others in that particular place. The rules that are set for the students in this level has to be incorporated so that they lead to the proper education been given to this particular student and be able to make the changes that are required in terms of discipline. The child will be in a better position to further his or her education as long as there is discipline followed.


The child starts with the nursery level were by the teacher has to take them with a lot of care as he or she does not know how to relate with other. This teacher has to train the children on the practices such as sharing with friends the things one has and also asking permission to go some place like going out. This child is further trained on the respect where he or she has to respect the elders in all places such as in school the child should respect the teachers and do accordingly so that he or she is not punished.
There is the primary education that is the first year of formal, education. Where by a child gets further information concerning the things that he or she was taught by the parents and this primary education trains a child to be more responsible. He or she will not be ashamed to explain a problem that may be affecting and also be ready to help others.


The child after birth is taught through socialization that is the incorporation of the cultures and beliefs that a one is supposed to know so that he or she becomes an important person. Through socialization the child knows the bad practices like stealing and learns to have respect to the elders. Also he or she learns the taboos that are accepted in the society and therefore such a child will grow up as a responsible person who can become a role model to others who would like to learn about the societal practices. Children then goes to school were he or she faces another assistant that is the teacher who has the work of making sure that the rules that are set in school have to be followed and if not then there is punishment for the wrong doers.

Teaching Children Culture


Education includes teaching and learning specific skills and it helps one have a view of culture from one generation to another.

Education starts when a curriculum is designed by the society to teach the child about the important things that are required to be passed from the elders to the young. In school the teachers are concerned with passing of knowledge to the pupils and education system is used to promote ides as well as knowledge. The education cannot be separated from traditional education that existed before this is because the modern education that is received in schools is based on the practices that were done by the elders.
The education is a natural response where by after it was taught to the people in early time they were able to know how to deal with their cultures so that there was no conflict. The evolution of culture depended on knowledge were the adults trained the young on the practices that were to be followed in the society and where education never existed such people achieved culture orally and also through imitation.
There was story telling were by the young were taught what existed before by their grandparents and it still exists today in certain societies. Learning institutions require that the learners follow the right behavior that will not lead to conflict between them and the administration therefore the students should follow the rules closely so that they get the goals that they require from school. Without p[roper discipline then it means that the education system will be affected because the students will not be ready to learn so that they can improve the development in the society and therefore nothing will be received to benefit the learner.

The Qualities of an Ideal Scholar


Summary:   Ponders the question, in addition to academic credentials, what other traits should an ideal scholar possess?
Cecil Rhodes stated in his will the type of scholar he was seeking to award scholarship :literary and scholastic attainments; fondness and success in outdoor sports; qualities of truth, courage, devotion to duty; leadership instincts, and so on. This defined a perfect scholar in his view. But what else should one ask for"
Bookworms can be found at any place on the globe. But a true learner is very hard to find! Learning is a process too short to be completed in a lifetime. The smallest of things can turn out to be the the best sources of inspiration. This is what then drives one to put in more efforts for achieving the goal.

A healthy mind rests in a healthy body. What better way to maintain a healthy body other than to enjoy sports. It not only keeps the body fit, but also the mind stays in most agile state.
Moral force of character is what would define a true human being. A sense of leadership and the ability to lead from the front towards the decided goal is what would define the strength of character in a scholar.
Thus, a scholar should have an amalgam of all these virtues alongwith exceptional academic credentials to be designated as an ideal scholar.

Importance of Education

The importance of learning in enabling the individual to put his potentials to optimal use is self-evident. Without education, the training of the human minds is incomplete. No individual is a human being in the working world until he has been educated in the proper sense. Now I'm not saying you're not a human being without education. The mind was made to be trained and without education, a person is incomplete in that sense. Education makes man a right thinker and a correct decision-maker. It achieves this by bringing him knowledge from the external world, teaching him to reason, and acquainting him with past history, so that he may be a better judge of the present. Without education, man, as it were, is shut up in a windowless room. With education, he finds himself in a room with all its windows open to the outside world. In other words, people who are not educated have less opportunity to do what they want to do.
A person that gets a good education will become a more dependable worker, a better citizen, and a stronger consumer. For example, people would rather higher an educated man rather than a non-educated person.   When looking at the long-term effects of an education, our economy needs these educated people to know how to keep the economy efficient and not get into a bind in the future. Someone said if they were Bill Gates ( Since he is very educated), would he understand the economy better? Of course not but that's not what I am trying to say. How advanced do you think the computer would be without him? The more educated someone is, the more knowledge one obtains on different subjects. Each person has a different level of understanding for each subject there is to learn about. That is why there are experts in every field you could go into and each part is a piece of the puzzle that makes this world/economy grow.


College and Success in Life

It is very difficult to answer the claim that a person needs a university education to be successful in life because success in life means different things to different people. This essay starts by defining three different ideas of success. Following this, it looks at which types of success are dependent on a university education.
Success in life can be achieved in different ways. Many magazines and television programmes tell us that success means having a lot of money, having a fulfilling career, and being powerful. In contrast, most religious and spiritual organizations claim that success means finding spiritual happiness and being at peace with God and with yourself. Another idea of success focuses on relationships - being surrounded by people who love you and care about you, spending time with family and friends.
A university education can help you achieve some types of success, but it makes little or no difference to whether or not you are successful in other areas of life. Undoubtedly, a university education is essential if you want to have a career in a profession such as law, engineering, teaching, or medicine. However, you do not need a university degree to become a wealthy and powerful movie star, sports star or businessperson. In fact, a university education does not generally enable you to achieve spiritual happiness, or to have successful relationships with family and friends.
sIn conclusion, there are many different types of success. A university education may help you to achieve professional success in some careers. However, it will not help you to achieve success in other areas of your life such as your spiritual life or your relationships.